WhatsApp Bio for Boys and Girls

By Be Funky Team

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WhatsApp bio caption in English

The best WhatsApp bio ideas in English for boys and girls can be found here. We’ll show you 600+ of the best ideas for love, life, sad, attitude, and motivation. With the help of these WhatsApp Bios quotes, you may express yourself more effectively.

These quotations reveal a great deal about life. Following your reading of these quotes (WhatsApp Bio Caption), you will develop a strong attachment to them as well. If you enjoy these Whatsapp captions, you should surely include them in your Whatsapp profile.

You may also use these lovely Bio quotes in your Facebook and Instagram biographies, if you so choose. Keep in mind to forward these Whatsapp statuses to your friends.

WhatsApp Bio in English

  • You ignore I wait, I ignore you hate.
  • Before you judge me, Make sure you’re perfect..?
  • Being silent is my Attitude.
  • Your Attitude can hurt me. But mine can even k*ll you.
  • I’m a good person. But Don’t give me a reason to Show you my evil side.
  • Don’t put me in a position where I gotta show you How cold my heart can get.
  • Avoid me once I’ll never disturb you again forever.
  • The more silent I’m the more dangerous I can be.
  • I don’t need crush I need cash.
  • This is my life, not urs so Don’t worry about Wt I do.
  • Don’t be afraid to love again Not everyone is your ex.😜
  • I am who I am Not who you want me to be.
  • Let’s be honest, I trust no one.
  • They don’t like me, Cause they are not like me.
  • Control your “anger” Because it is just one letter Away from danger.
  • Please don’t get confused Between my personality and my Attitude
  • I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
  • I don’t need to explain myself I know I’m right.
  • You’ll just never know. so many emotions I choose not to show.
  • People say me bad, Trust me I am the worst.

Top WhatsApp Bio

  • Kindness is not flirting. Attention is not love. Silence is not anger. Tears are not weakness.
  • Sometimes, No matter how nice you are, How king you are, How caring you are, How loving you are, It just isn’t enough for some people.
  • Only three types of people tell the truth, Kids, Drunks, and Angry.
  • When you are angry, be silent.
  • Every day you have no job, Be better than yesterday.
  • Everything is possible…If you believe in yourself…
  • Every Next Level of your life Will demand a different you.
  • Sometimes we forget what we deserve Because we are too busy listening to the noise of the world, instead of our soul.
  • One day, you’ll be living the life you Had once prayed for.
  • Thanks for ignoring me when I needed you the most.

Best WhatsApp Bio

  • Saves your feelings for someone, Who actually cares.
  • Value the person who gives you time, It’s not time they share a part of life with you.
  • “Bye” is a formality And “see you” is a feeling But “please take care” is an emotion.❣️
  • People who hide their feelings Usually, care the most.
  • I am that type of person who never tells anyone what’s there in my heart. But I want some selected people to understand me without saying anything.
  • Sometimes you just have to stay silent, Because no words can explain What’s going on in your mind and heart.
  • Never ignore the person who says sorry for their mistakes, Because for them, You are important. Not their ego.❣️
  • Real love isn’t easy And Easy love isn’t real.
  • It’s very easy to find A new one, But it’s hard to find A true one.
  • True people cry when you leave, Fake people leave when you cry.
  • True love never dies, Because true love always waits.
  • A loyal person is always better Then a royal person.
  • Distance never kills a relation. Closeness never build a relation… It’s the care of someone’s feelings Which build faith and maintains relations…
  • Can I just be a little kid again? No stress, no worries, just fun.
  • I think too much I see too much I feel too much But I speak so little.
  • Never cry for the person who doesn’t Know the value of your tears.
  • Dear God… please clear My mind from overthinking… I’m tired…
  • Some people are very expert in… Hiding their pain with a bright smile.
  • Understanding is deeper than knowledge. There are many people, who know you, but Very few who understand you.
  • Accept the situation and move On with a smile.

Meaningful WhatsApp Bio in English

  • Sometimes things are not easy to do. But it’s not difficult too…
  • One day you will realize How much I cried for you…!!
  • Forgiveness Heals the soul.
  • I am a private person, so if I open up with you, Damn I trust you.
  • God doesn’t give you the people you want, He gives you the people you need.
  • Sometimes god doesn’t change your situation, Because he is trying to change your heart.
  • Innocent people are not stupid, They just think everyone has a good heart.
  • When our actions are based on good intentions Our soul has no regrets.
  • People that make you smile on Your worst days are so important.
  • Everybody can see a laughing face But nobody can see a broken heart.
  • I don’t hurt others Because I know how it feels.
  • Never let the same Snake bite you twice.
  • Never make permanent decision On temporary feelings.
  • Real is rare, Fake is everywhere.
  • Forget the person, But not the lesson.
  • Few bad chapters does not mean Your story is over.

WhatsApp Bio for Girls

  • Love is easy But queen is busy.
  • Don’t show me your attitude My blocklist is bigger than your friend list.
  • My hate is more danger than my love.
  • Not for your ex, not for y be ambitious for your life..!
  • Don’t change to fit the fashion Change the Fashion to fit you.
  • The question isn’t who is going to let me. It’s who is going to stop me.
  • I’m just a girl who enjoys minding here business… Literally
  • Coffee in one hand Confidence in the other.
  • His story is history My story is Mystery.
  • Don’t be a lady Be a legend.
  • Laugh like a baby. Live like a queen.
  • My parents have done a lot for me. I just want to give back and make them proud.
  • Love me or hate me I’m still gonna shine.
  • Be like a Butterfly Always beautiful.. but hard to catch.
  • Be a girl with a mind, A bitch with an Attitude, And a lady with a class.
  • A best friend is someone who loves, You when you forget to love yourself.
  • Thankful for who’s Always been there for me.
  • Be real with me or just leave me alone.
  • Some people hate you just because Someone else lied to them about you.
  • I’m not silent I just hate drama.
  • Don’t judge me by my past I don’t leave there anymore.
  • Don’t open the book of your life in front of everyone. Only a few can understand your story.
  • Understanding is an art and Not everyone is an artist.
  • Hide your emotions Because no one cares.
  • Life is an unexpected journey… Don’t expect anything from anyone.
  • In life, what you really want Will never come easy.

Best WhatsApp Bio for Boys

  • King is king with Or without queen remember that.
  • If you get different me That means I saw the real you.
  • If you aren’t good for me, Why do I want you so badly?
  • Fu*k with me, I don’t care. Fu*k with my family, it’s better you run away.
  • If you could read my mind you would be in tears.
  • How to impress me? Be loyal behind my back.
  • Be careful with what she doesn’t say.
  • Love me? Love you. Hate me? Fu*k you.
  • Dear me, I’ll make you proud one day.
  • Of course, you miss me. I’m amazing.😎
  • I can’t believe I’m a really bad boy fu*k you.
  • Live as villain, Die as hero!
  • Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one.
  • Not everyone is going to love you. So what?
  • Of all the lies I’ve heard “I love you” was my favorite.
  • People say a lot. So, I watch what they do.
  • Never underestimate me because I am more than you think.
  • I respect people who tell me the truth No matter how bad it is.
  • Wise men listen and laugh, While fools talk.
  • I don’t care what you think of me I’m happy that’s all the matters.
  • They say we learn from our mistakes. So I’m making as many as possible! Soon I will be a genius.

WhatsApp Bio for Students

  • Positive vibes will give You a positive life.
  • Satisfy your soul not the society.
  • Focus on what you want. Everything else is a distraction.
  • You’re goals don’t give a shit about how you feel.
  • Let your smile change the world, But don’t let the world change your smile.
  • I Never dreamed about success. I worked for it.
  • It’s not what you say, It’s how you say it.
  • Don’t trust words, trust actions.
  • I can because I think I can.
  • Don’t count the days Make the days count.
  • Train your mind to be Calm in every situation
  • Don’t forget god when You get what you prayed for.
  • Don’t forget how Badly you once wanted What you have now.
  • Yesterday you hurt me I accept it… Today you hurt me I accept… But every day how can I accept it..?
  • I am not happy I am not sad but I am missing something in my life.
  • What you think of yourself is much more important Then what others think of you.
  • When you are a good person You don’t lose people they lose you.
  • You Never loved me, You were just bored.
  • I gave wrong people The right pieces of me.
  • One bad chapter Doesn’t mean end of story.
  • Never take someone feeling as joke, You never know how bad it feels.

WhatsApp Caption for Life

  • Happiness or sadness Life always goes on.
  • Life is short, spend it with people, Who make you laugh and feel loved.
  • Life is Just like a new book, you never know what is on the next page.
  • Life is one, live it your way, Before you get faded away from this life…
  • Time never stops, people come and go from your life, day by day… Time changes everyone, Time changes everything..
  • Enjoy your life as much as you can, As you can’t buy a single breath with all the money you have…
  • Life gonna end soon, This is the chance, enjoy it today baby…
  • Life isn’t too hard, We just expect to be easier all the time…
  • This world, these generations, will never end… You need to find your destiny in your life span…
  • No one was born strong, Our life makes us.
  • Live a life worth Remembering…
  • If you always think that you are right, Then you never gonna learn anything from life…
  • Live each day as if it’s your last.
  • Life is colorful, enjoy every moments.
  • Life is one time offer, use it will.
  • Enjoy your life today Because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come.
  • Life becomes clear, When you start looking towards people’s hearts instead of their face.
  • Life gose on, Let’s live on!
  • Life isn’t finding yourself Life is about creating yourself.

Stylish WhatsApp Bio

  • Notice everything But be quiet.
  • Everything is temporary So don’t take stress.
  • Full-on love but Low on trust.
  • I’m not your free time or your second choice. Prioritize me or leave me alone.
  • Cutting people out of my life Doesn’t mean I hate them. It means I respect myself.
  • Sometimes you have to leave, Not for ego but for self-respect.
  • My mind is more talkative than my mouth.
  • Sometimes it’s best To let go.
  • A clear rejection is always Batter than a fake promise.
  • If you lose someone But Find yourself. You won.💯
  • The past is gone, Don’t leave with it.
  • Don’t waste your time Crying over wasted time.
  • I love late replies, it helps me Lose feelings for that person faster.
  • We both lost something, You lost me and I lost time.
  • You don’t understand And I can’t explain..!!
  • They said I changed a lot, I said a lot changed me.
  • Avoid me once I will Never come in your life again.
  • Always hope but Never expect.
  • Everyone has the two eyes but no one has the same view.
  • Being happy is a self-responsibility, Another human cannot fulfill that for you.
  • Be enough for yourself first The rest of the world can wait…
  • I love sleeping because Dreams are better than reality…
  • Beauty attracts the eye, But personality captures the heart.

Cool WhatsApp Bio

  • People miss you when You’re done missing them.
  • Keep smiling and one day Life will get tired upsetting you.
  • Never Ignore a person who loves you and cares for you. One day you may realize you’ve lost The moon while counting the stars.
  • Right now I’m a situation where, Neither I can cry nor I can smile..
  • You all find peace When you stop caring.
  • Temporary people give you Permanent lessons.
  • Be with someone who always wants To Know how your day was.
  • Good friends are hard to find Difficult to leave impossible to forget.
  • Love is nothing without action and trust, sorry is nothing without change.
  • Life is not a competition. Each one is on their own journey. Live according to your choices, Values and principals.

New WhatsApp Bio

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
WhatsApp Bio Text with Images

Stop checking my last seen,
Text me when you miss me.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
WhatsApp Bio Text with Images

Time will show you,
Who deserves your heart.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Dream, Believe, Achieve.

Don’t be a star in the sky,
Be a candle in the dark.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Love, Laugh, Live.

Text me whenever you get time,
Because I spend all the time waiting for your messages.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Happiness, Peace, Harmony.

Some people will stay on your heart
But not in your life.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
WhatsApp Bio Text with Images

Ego is not important in a life,
But self–respect is most important in life.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Passion, Purpose, Progress

One thing I learned in life,
You can be important to someone
But not all the time.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Courage, Resilience, Triumph

Trust the timing,
Things happen for a reason.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Gratitude, Abundance, Bliss.

Happy Peoples are always happy,
Not because everything is right in their life,
But because their attitude towards
Everything in their life is right.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Celebrate, Connect, Enjoy.

Never explain your heart to someone,
Because the right one will already know.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Optimism, Joy, Abundance

Don’t force anyone to stay in your life…
If they really want you, they will stay.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Capturing Life’s Beautiful Moments

Some people meet for a short time,
But they remember us for lifetime.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Memories Framed with Love

A lot of people have the wrong idea
about me and I have no desire to clear
shit up.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Unforgettable Adventures, Cherished Memories

I always waited for your text
But you never text me.

WhatsApp Bio Text with Images
Embracing the Beauty Within

Pain behind smile and love behind anger
only few can understand.

Creative WhatsApp Bio Quotes

Latest WhatsApp Bio Captions
Exploring the World Through Images

I am very private person,
You don’t ask; I don’t tell.

I still want you
But I will never tell you.


A lot of shit broke my heart,
But opened my eyes.


Want to say a lot of
Things but, never mind.


Don’t hurt me,
I’m already in pain.


Once you lose me,
You’ll never get me again.


I have a dirty mind and
I also use bad words,
But I know how to respect.


Just because I am not talking,
Doesn’t mean I am in bad mood.
Sometimes I just like being quite.


Right now I’m a situation where,
Neither I can cry nor I can smile.


I am not ignoring you,
I’m just waiting to see if you’ll put
In the effort to talk to me..!


Actually, I don’t text anyone first,
If I text you, you are special..!!


My talkative nature depends on the level of
Comfort zone I have with that person.


So it’s ok for you to hurt me
But I can’t hurt myself?

WhatsApp Bio Attitude

Best WhatsApp Bios 2022
Inspiring Hearts Through Photography.

If you don’t like me,
It’s because I don’t want you to.


I can turn my sadness into a joke,
So don’t worry about me.


A Small Talk can fix a lot


Dying to talk
Afraid to text.😖


We may not talk,
But I still care.


If I’m your mind, just text me.


You’re still my favorite person,
Even if I’m not yours…


I just want to be alone
But with you.♥


Not together
But always connected.


You are like healing for me.


No medicine was able to
heal my pain,
But a conversation with
my best friend did.


Trust in me dies,
when someone lies.


People think I am quiet
But I am just observing.


Replace me is easy but finding
A vibe like me is impossible.


I’m very ok with losing people
Who are ok with losing me.

Short WhatsApp Bio

Short WhatsApp Bio Caption
A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words
  • If I make you happy, I’m happy.
  • I want you & always you.
  • I like private but not a secret.
  • My only focus right now is ME.
  • Pray, Wait & Trust.
  • Pretty face pretty heart.
  • Yeah I miss you but you changed.
  • God forgives, I don’t.
  • Real friends are rare.
  • Even when I’m hurt, I Smile.
  • Private life, happy life.
  • I’m not person you find twice.
  • Mind so dirty, heart so pure.
  • Heal, learn, grow, love.
  • Time doesn’t heal you, you heal you.
  • Trying to understand misunderstandings.
  • Better days are coming.
  • Stay loyal, stay real or stay away.
  • Love is all about trust.

WhatsApp Bio for Love

Beautiful WhatsApp Bio for Love
Documenting Life’s Priceless Treasures

You came like nothing
you became my everything.

Everything is fine,
If you’re mine.❣️

With or without conversation
You’re are still important to me.

If I care for you,
I care until the end.

You hold a very special place in my heart and
I want you to be there forever.

My heart beats faster
Whenever I think you.

I’ll always be here for you
in every aspect of life.

You’re mine, and I’m waiting for the day
When you will be officially mine.

One day,
You and me, Forever and Ever.

Every moment with you is beautiful.

My love for you will never die..

I’m always there for you in your good or bad time.

Marry me as soon as possible
I can’t live without you…

Hand in hand.
You & me till the end.❤️

Do you know why I am luckiest person in the world?
It’s because I have you and you’re mine.❤️

Someday, somewhere, somehow,
Me & you will be together.

Falling in Love is easy,
But staying in Love is very special.

Can’t Stop failing
In love with you.

You will always be
my special person.

You’re my world
And I love you so much.🌹

My silence doesn’t mean
I am ignoring you,
I just love you so much
That I hate fighting with you.

Sad WhatsApp Bio Ideas

One day I will die,
And you will be
thinking I’m offline.

I hated myself for loving you too much.

Sometimes it’s okay to not be sorry.

Nobody will ever love you the way I did.

I am not so strong anymore.

Maybe I was born to be sad.

I hate myself for still waiting for you…

You’re not mine, but losing you
Broke my heart.

We all broke rules for someone and
In the end, they broke us.

One day I’ll leave &
Never come back.😢

My feelings for you
will never change.

Everyone cares when
It’s too late.

One day you will search For me
To say sorry but
Believe me, that will be too late.

It kills me to see you online,
But not talking to me.

I really to talk with you
but I think I’m disturbing you.

I will wait for you
To love me again.

Nothing’s wrong with this world,
Something wrong with humans.

People leave when they
Find someone better.

Hide your emotions
Because No one cares.

I care I always care
That’s my problem.

A mind wants to forget,
But a heart will always remember.

It hurt but it’s okay
Because we can’t force someone to
Feel the same as we feel for them.

No one notice my pain
But everyone notice my mistake.

Every time I trust someone
They show me why I’m better off alone.

I don’t even argue nowadays,
Okay, you win just leave me alone.

Deep Meaning WhatsApp Bio

Many things inside, but nothing to say.

Everyone dies in the end.

The Same love
never come twice.

Every word has consequences,
Every silence, too.

The person doesn’t hurt us
It was our expectation.

Broken heart can be fixed,
But broken trust can’t.

Sometimes words can’t describe all the emotions.

Not always who is smiling is happy.

and then… we never spoke again.🥀

Life goes on with or without whoever.

Now you are just a happy memory that hurts a lot.

I want to cry but I have things to do.

I told you what hurt me most & you did it perfectly.

When I’m really done, I leave in silence.

Distance told you
The real meaning of closeness.

I don’t hurt others
Because I know how it feels.

I automatically go silent when I hear
Something that hurt my feeling…

Every pain gives a lesson and
every lesson changes a person.

Sometimes god breaks your heart
To save your soul.

Never lose hope.
Just when you think it’s over….
God sends you a miracle.

When your intentions are poor,
You don’t lose anyone, they lose you.

WhatsApp Bio Image

Attitude WhatsApp Bio Captions
Colors of Life, Captured Blissfully.

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